Only holders of the Islander discount card can make use of these offers


Zoo Entry £5.00

10th March 2025-
4th April 2025

If these dates have gone, reload the page F5
Offer can change at any time
Terms & Conditions Apply

Terms and Conditions

Use of Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card

Amazon World Zoo Park, is the owner of all Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Cards, and has total rights to the card.
The Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card can only be held by a resident of the Isle of Wight.
The Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card can only be used by the named individual on the card.
Offers can change at any time.
Amazon World Zoo Park reserves the right to pull any offers at any time.
Only Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card holders can take advantage of any offers.
The Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card can not be used in conjunction with any other offers.
Any one caught abusing the offer or defacing their card will be permenantly removed from the promotion.
Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card can be replaced at a cost of £2
A record will be kept of the holder and card number for use with this promotion only
The Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card does not include the 7 day free return

How to obtain an Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card

First Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card produced is free for all island residents.
Cards are obtained from Amazon World Zoo Park's admissions.
Proof of residency needed in form of a photo ID and a utility bill no older than 3 months.
If you can not produce the above, then it is up to you to prove unequivocally that you are a resident of the Island.
Child cards (2-14yrs) can only be obtained by an adult Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card holder.

Only holders of the Amazon World Zoo Park Islander Discount Card can make use of these offers